Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Fame Game

The Fame Game is going to be a little segment I do from time to time, to discuss celebrities and pop culture. Here's the first edition!

Spencer Pratt on getting into politics: Yes. Definitely running. Don’t know if I’ll be getting elected any time in the next century or so. But definitely going after mayor of LA and at least governor, but I’ll prob stop at governor. I mean if people were really pushing for me [to run for president] at that point, I’ll probably have to step into that role. That pressure may be a little much. I’ll start with California because I love California so much, that I could have that passion for my state and my birthplace.

Did your jaw drop when you read this? Because mine did. It seems as though the trend of people with no talent, skill. or education who become celebrities is reaching its height. We all know it started with Paris Hilton, peaked with the rise of reality TV (I Love New York? Keeping Up with the Kardashians? Really? How are these people famous?) and now it has reached the point of absurdity with the cast of the Hills.

If you have watched any of the 5th season of the Hills, you know that Spencer trying to run for office is like me trying to be on the Hills. It's just not going to happen. It is a world that I will never be able to inhabit. Here's what my attempt to be on the Hills would look like:

Producer 1: Khassaundra? The name's too long, too ethnic. We need something simpler. I mean we had to shorten Lauren down to LC, there's no way our viewers can keep up with a name like Khassaundra. Maybe you can be Aundra instead.

Producer 2: Aundra, that's hot! Uh, yeah and there's the issue of your hair. See, we already have one brunette on the show. And now we brought this new bartender on, Stacie, and she's brunette too. It's a little much. Maybe you'd be interested in getting some highlights?

Producer 1: OK, give me a Look.
Me: A Look?
Producer 1: You know, a Look. You've seen it on the show. Its Audrina's signature move. Give an empty stare and open your mouth a little bit like you have something to say. But don't say anything. Just stand there with your mouth slightly open. It adds heightened drama.

Producer 2: You might have to get fake boobs. Or make a sex tape. One or the other. You pick one, though. We like to give our actors freedon around here. Oops, did I say actors?

You get the picture. It's just not gonna happen. Who tells these people they can do stuff like this? Who told Heidi she can sing? Who told Audrina to make Into the Blue 2? Who told Spencer he is smart? Who told Spencer's friend Charlie he was cool? (Click here for more on Charlie)

I don't blame the actors. These people just want a piece of fame. Somewhere behind the scenes a team of agents, publicists, and PR people are laughing all the way to the bank.

I hope Spencer was kidding. If not, I might have to audition for the next Hills spinoff show.